Is there such a thing as the new normal?
We have been busy with new enquiries at Copperleaf including affordable homes and new build bespoke homes. One project in particular stood out this week which had some important considerations for all those who are considering purchasing a site for their own bespoke...
Homeless charity not letting anyone feel isolated during COVID 19
I hope that reading this you are in good health and finding your way through this pandemic. I have never written so many emails with the words “take care” as a sign off. It’s a sign of these most awful times that we can genuinely say that we hope our society should...
Financing your custom build dream home
Obtaining early financial advice is a must when it comes to custom building your dream home. Wow! what a way to start a blog on dream homes. The excitement must be coursing through your veins to hear that gem of advice. The problem with this part of the process of...